How To Improve Relationships With Donors

Let’s be completely honest, donors are a nonprofit organization’s best friend!

Without donations from philanthropic individuals, businesses, and organizations, it is extremely difficult to effectively carry out the work of your organization.

Forming a good relationship with a donor can benefit your nonprofit organization significantly and allow you to help even more people in your community by connecting with a philanthropist.

Here are 10 ways to improve relationships with a donor:

10 Ways Your Nonprofit Can Improve Donor Relationships

What does it take to establish a good rapport and working relationship with a philanthropist or donor? It has to be more than a nicely written email or monthly newsletter, right?

Several of our clients shared their “secrets to success” when it comes to creating and maintaining a positive nonprofit-to-donor relationship. Being honest, transparent, authentic, trustworthy, and patient are characteristics that go furthest with a potential donor.

Once you have embraced these characteristics it’s time to put them into action. This can be done in 10 ways:

1) Take Risks – GO FOR IT!

2) Maintain open communication
3) Listen & Learn
4) Find common interests and build on them
5) Do a follow-up call or send a nice note after your initial meeting
6) Help promote their company at hosted events or online (social media/website)
7) Be interactive and open to feedback
8) Refrain from being defensive
9) Educate donors of your nonprofit organization
10) Be strategic

Utilize these characteristics and put them into action to help you grow as a nonprofit organization leader but also improve the overall reach and financial support of your beloved organization.

What To Do After You’ve Gained Donors

Once you’ve built a rapport with the donor(s) that you’ve been looking for, don’t forget to file your annual 990 Forms with ExpressTaxExempt. The last thing we want you to do is to gain a bunch of new donors and then lose your tax exempt status. ExpressTaxExempt will help you remain tax exempt and free from IRS penalties. Create an account or sign in today to handle your nonprofit organization’s tax filing needs.

What are some ways that you have attracted and kept a donor or philanthropist engaged over the years? Comment below so we can add them and share with others 😊.

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