Politics and Charitable Nonprofits
The detrimental issue the Council points out is that being more impressionable towards political activities will redirect funding from an organization’s charitable mission to supporting election campaigns. Such legislation could also expose nonprofits and foundations to demands from candidates for political endorsements and contributions which will take funds from charitable work and eventually afflict the public trust of exempt organizations.
Ultimately, the Council states that the proposed changes are entirely unnecessary. They assure that there are already many legal ways for a nonprofit’s staff, board members, and volunteers to express their individual views on public policy issues. If you or any other nonprofit, charity, private foundation, or religious groups are interested in showing support or signing the Support of Nonpartisanship letter, you can visit GiveVoice.org or the Protecting Nonprofit Nonpartisanship website.
For any other questions or concerns about how lobbying and political activities can affect your organization, contact a local tax professional or reach out to the IRS Tax-Exempt Hotline at 877.829.5500.
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