Unrelated Business Income Tax
Trade or Business is Regularly Carried On: “Regularly carried on” basically means how often and in what method the business is conducted. Even if your activity is not done year round, it could still be considered as “regularly carried on” if the activity is common to the frequency and method of for-profit organizations.
Trade or Business isn’t Substantially Related: Of course, for any activity to be considered as unrelated business, it must not be substantially related to the main purpose of your exempt organization. Regulations state that business activities must essentially contribute to the execution of your exempt organization’s purpose. If not, it’s considered unrelated, and any income made can be taxed.
As with any other tax stipulations or rules, there are some exceptions and modifications. Contact your local tax professional if you find yourself in an unspecified situation with unrelated business income.
Report any Unrelated Business Income through your Form 990 or Form 990-EZ with Express990. We work closely with the IRS to provide you the most secure, easy, and accurate tax e-filing experience. Our servers are encrypted, McAfee secure certified, and protected by SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). Your information goes directly to the IRS and no one else.
For any assistance or questions about e-filing our available 990 forms, you can contact our live professionals by phone (704-839-2321, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Eastern Standard Time), by email ([email protected]), or by live chat (www.expresstaxexempt.com).
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