Tips You Need to Know About Fundraising For Nonprofits
|Fundraising for your nonprofit can be exciting and rewarding, especially if you have an inside scoop on how to take your fundraising efforts to the next level. We have gathered some simple tips you need to know about fundraising for nonprofits.

Tips You Need to Know About Fundraising For Nonprofits
Set Goals & Deadlines
The first step you should take when planning a fundraiser is to set your goals and deadlines to reach them more quickly. Before reaching out to potential donors for their support, be sure to determine the amount you are attempting to raise, and when you need it by. Give donors just enough time to donate, but not too much time. Typically, a sense of urgency helps raise more money in a quicker amount of time.
Know Your Audience
Knowing your audience plays a significant part in the success of any fundraising effort. Nonprofits who understand their audience tend to raise more money than those who do not.
Engage With Donors
Forming a good relationship with a donor can benefit your nonprofit organization significantly and allow you to help even more people in your community by engaging with donors. To learn about how to engage with donors, click here.
Host a Fundraiser
Fundraising events are a great opportunity to network with current and potential donors as well as the community face-to-face. With many unique ways to fundraise for your nonprofit, you can easily find the perfect fundraiser that your audience would enjoy.
Provide Convenient Donation Methods
As a nonprofit organization, it is critical to invest in convenient donation methods for your donors. Transitioning from traditional to online fundraising is more straightforward than you might think. It will increase your donor base from just the local community to national.
Thank Your Donors
“Thank You” goes a long way! Be sure to thank your donors for their contribution briefly and compellingly. This can be done via email or letter and should be sent soon after their contribution has been received.
Show The Impact Made
Once you have completed your fundraiser, don’t just move on to the next project. Donors like to see the positive effects of their contributions. Show the impact your nonprofit organization made with the proceeds of the fundraiser and also increase your chances of future donations.
A Helping Hand
Be sure to save those receipts when planning a fundraising event and know that ExpressTaxExempt is always here to be a consistent resource to you and your organization for all things tax exempt!
Visit our website for any tax forms that your tax-exempt organization may need throughout this year and save even more when you e-file with our recently reduced filing rates!